Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rainforest Unit

This year we used our rainforest unit for the Open House Theme.

Monkey Subtraction

We read The Umbrella by: Jan Brett

We acted out the story using masks printed from Jan Brett's website and a green umbrella.

Then we drew pictures of the characters to create a flow map to show the sequence of events.

We read non-fiction books about Jaguars and Sloths and wrote sentences about them.

We read non-fiction books about Howler Monkeys and created a monkey. Then we wrote a sentence about them on their body.

We made Toucans and built a sentence about them.

We made safari people to look like us, drew an animal we could see in the rainforest and wrote a sentence under a camera around our necks.

Priahna Writing

Rainforest Murals

Pattern Pythons and Writing

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